Social networking and reputational risk in the workplace

Over 6 months ago Deloitte released their 2009 report on ethics and the workplace this time focusing on impact social computing is having on reputation risk for organisations. The results are very interesting, and given the recent background checking and social media discussions, they also impact individuals and their online reputation. Let’s review the result: 74% of employees saidContinue reading “Social networking and reputational risk in the workplace”

A history lesson of sorts

I got distracted today so I started digging through my old blog posts to have a look at some of the subjects I have covered in the last 5 years. Initially I was very much focused on blogs as a method of solving all of the world’s issues. Mainly because that was the main formContinue reading “A history lesson of sorts”

ATC Summary

Over the last few days I have published a number of posts summarising the sessions at ATC that I attended. However I wanted to pull together an overall summary of my thoughts from the event. This was my first ATC, mainly as I had now been in the position to attend before due to my previousContinue reading “ATC Summary”

ATC: James Elliott National Recruitment Director Deloitte

James Elliott took the stage after lunch to give us a run down on Deloitte’s (Update: to clarify this is only the Australian operation and does not reflect the US operations.) recruitment function, specifically their Sourcing function. James indicated he was a little concerned about presenting, mainly because of the real time feedback that wouldContinue reading “ATC: James Elliott National Recruitment Director Deloitte”

Is Facebook good or bad?

It seems to me that if I was to believe the pundits social media is going to either cause the next apocalypse or be the saviour for us all!  But I want to look at two specific cases here and their relationship with HR. First the negative. Kimberley Swann, at 16 year old in the UK, whoContinue reading “Is Facebook good or bad?”