The Five Horsemen and you

A rambling post of thoughts for you. For a few years there has been talk of the “five horsemen” of tech – Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. The opinion of having Microsoft included has varied over time the final number doesn’t matter, these five organisations are massive – in terms of impact, revenue, employeesContinue reading “The Five Horsemen and you”

Reputation in the workplace

After reading a post about collaboration and recruiting from Jobscience I went to watch the TEDGlobal Video of Rachel Botsman who explores the currency that makes systems like Airbnb and Taskrabbit work: trust, influence, and what she calls “reputation capital”. To me what Rachel is talking about is really the same as Whuffie, a termContinue reading “Reputation in the workplace”

Cloud Computing and HR

Yes another trend post, there might be a few more as I get my head across all that has happened in the last year or so. Cloud Computing has been gaining momentum over the last few years, in HR it is getting some significant airtime and how could it not with the success of cloudContinue reading “Cloud Computing and HR”

The glass is full with Google Glass

One of the coolest inventions of 2012 is Google Glass, a wearable computer, running Android, that looks like a set of regular glasses that includes a video camera and augmented reality head-up display unit. Wearers of the glasses interact with them using natural language input while connected to the Internet. The best way to describeContinue reading “The glass is full with Google Glass”

Mobility and HR

Source: Flickr user smemon Be it mobile phones or tablets Australians love our mobile devices with 76% of us having a Smartphone and almost 40% of us now have tablet devices, however only 50% of these with non-wifi communication capability limiting the remainder to use in cafes and other public wifi locations. The 8th AustralianContinue reading “Mobility and HR”

Big Data and Management

Over the last couple of weeks I have been very interested in the growth of Big Data. A few years ago Big Data was primarily found in academic and marketing writing, ie not in the main stream. This has changed with many commentators now discussing the merits that this new frontier has to offer. ForContinue reading “Big Data and Management”

4 years on some thoughts

I was have a chat with an old colleague this afternoon and we were discussing where social media has gone in the last few years, specifically around recruitment. Which got me thinking. You know where has social media gone? This then took me back in time to some of the crazy ideas I had aboutContinue reading “4 years on some thoughts”

NGA.Net Acquires Acelero for Performance Management

Last night at around 5.30pm IĀ receivedĀ a call from Penny Elmslie, the marketing manager at NGA.Net about two topics that they were very excited about. First was they had started a blog, second they had purchased a company. While the first piece of news is not that earth shattering for some, I personally feel it isContinue reading “NGA.Net Acquires Acelero for Performance Management”