Thoughts on the Peopleclick Authoria merger

On 5 January 2010 Authoria and Peopleclick combined to form the largest privately owned company in the Talent Management marketplace. The new company, Peopleclick Authoria, claims to serve almost 60% of the Fortune 100 organisations. The new CEO will be Charles S. Jones, Managing Partner of Bedford Funding, the private equity firm undertaking the deal.Continue reading “Thoughts on the Peopleclick Authoria merger”

ATC: James Elliott National Recruitment Director Deloitte

James Elliott took the stage after lunch to give us a run down on Deloitte’s (Update: to clarify this is only the Australian operation and does not reflect the US operations.) recruitment function, specifically their Sourcing function. James indicated he was a little concerned about presenting, mainly because of the real time feedback that wouldContinue reading “ATC: James Elliott National Recruitment Director Deloitte”

Social networking and recruitment

There are some major changes taking place within the recruitment software market at the moment. Changes that have the ability to remove vendors such as Taleo from being “top of the pops”. What is it? Intelligent matching of jobs to social networks. Both Australian job referral vendors 2Vouch and Hoojano do this but not to theContinue reading “Social networking and recruitment”

Workforce development in public and private sector

A couple of weeks ago Kate Carruthers spoke to me about workforce development programs, the results are an article she published on the NSW TAFE eZine web site, under the heading of “Workforce development: Case studies in private and public sector implementation“. Workforce development is a key issue for both private and public sector businesses. Continue reading “Workforce development in public and private sector”

Cloud/Grid/Utility Computing what is it & must you have it?

Today I want to discuss the latest hype in the HR technology space, Cloud/Grid/Utility Computing. Now the terms utility computing and grid computing have been around for a while now, however cloud computing is areasonable new term. First up they are not the same thing! They can be related but they are not the same. Let me start withContinue reading “Cloud/Grid/Utility Computing what is it & must you have it?”

Taleo announces restatement & stock down 21%

At the begining of last week Taleo announced a restatement of their 3Q results due to revenue recognition issues. At which point the stock dropped from US$12.01 on Friday November 7 to US$7.83 by close on Tuesday November 11. “Our auditors have asked us to re-evaluate the timing of certain elements of our revenue recognition,”Continue reading “Taleo announces restatement & stock down 21%”

HR Technology Best Practice

Over night I received the results from Cedar Crestone’s 2008-2009 HR Technology survey, while I am yet to digest the full report, a quick review of the document and the assocaited press release reveal some interesting facts. Oh, the statistics are mainly North American focused but if history has shown me anything they predict aContinue reading “HR Technology Best Practice”