Respect and Kanban

The value of Respect in Kanban starts as soon as you decide to implement Kanban under the Principle “Start with what you do now”. This first principle is all about respecting and understanding what you have today, and how you ended up there. Too often change programs ignore a critical element – understanding and respectContinue reading “Respect and Kanban”

Kanban principle – agreement

Another “out of left field” value of Kanban is the one on agreement. But agreement is there in the four foundational principles – “Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change”. By undertaking the implementation of Kanban, you agree to the pursuit of non-disruptive change. You cannot force Kanban on a team or an organisation – theyContinue reading “Kanban principle – agreement”

The value of true understanding

Our 7th value of Kanban is understanding – which, as described by Mike Burrows is less obvious on the surface. As you peel back the layers while implementing Kanban, you will start to see that understanding is a core part at every step of the way. The concept of understanding Kanban starts with the implementationContinue reading “The value of true understanding”

Leadership in Kanban

A true leader is one who designs the cathedral and the shares the vision that inspires others to build it. Jan Carlzon – Moments of Truth Leadership is a Foundation Principle of the Kanban Method in that it should – “Encourage acts of leadership at all levels in your organization – from individual contributor toContinue reading “Leadership in Kanban”

It’s all about the flow

This is our 5th post in our look at the Kanban Method Values, and today we are talking about Flow. Not just the type of flow that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about in his TED Talk on Happiness also like the flow a physics and engineering Professor would rap about fluid dynamics and finally the flowContinue reading “It’s all about the flow”

How to make successful customers?

At the most simple level, your customers are successful when they achieve value from using your product or service – ideally, you are solving the problem that encouraged them to buy your product. Or to put it another way: Success is when customers achieve their Desired Outcomes through their interactions with your company. Lincoln MurphyContinue reading “How to make successful customers?”

It’s all about your customers, stupid!

Shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world. Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy… your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products…. Jack Welch 2009 There is a lot more to that quote, so read the article. The key message I want to call out is that customers andContinue reading “It’s all about your customers, stupid!”

Collaboration the key to high performing teams

If you ask a business leader what they want from their teams, often you will hear one word – collaboration. Collaboration in the workplace has many benefits which have been written about all over the Internet so we won’t delve into them here. Instead, we shall move forward with an assumption – collaboration is goodContinue reading “Collaboration the key to high performing teams”

The balance beam for business

If you are a parent, you will know the value of letting your kids play on a balance beam – it builds balance, stability, body awareness and coordination. These are some of the most crucial gross motor skills a child can learn. In business similar “gross motor skills” are critical to an organisation’s success –Continue reading “The balance beam for business”

The value of transparency in business

Transparency is a relatively new concept in the world of business. How do I know? First, I took a look in The Penguin Book of Business Wisdom for a mention of Transparency and nope. So in 1998 when the book was published to cover the “Must-have collection of Business Quotations, Thoughts and Anecdotes for everyContinue reading “The value of transparency in business”