Big Data and Management

Over the last couple of weeks I have been very interested in the growth of Big Data. A few years ago Big Data was primarily found in academic and marketing writing, ie not in the main stream. This has changed with many commentators now discussing the merits that this new frontier has to offer. ForContinue reading “Big Data and Management”

Mobile Recruiting

At the upcoming ATC Social Media conference (early bird prices until 30 September) I will be talking briefly about mobile recruiting. A topic I know is a little strange to some people, but I think effective use of mobile technology is going to become a critical part of a recruiters toolkit. Let’s face it mobileContinue reading “Mobile Recruiting”

Who owns your employer brand?

Last week while I was at ATC Sydney there was lots and lots of talk about employer brands and who really controls them in today’s social media world. For example Steve Fogarty, Recruiting Captain, from adidas in North America covered the topic highlighting that recruiters need to think more like marketers to attract top talent,Continue reading “Who owns your employer brand?”

Twitter Bans Third-Party Ads

I noticed an interesting development over night, Twitter is looking to ban all third-part ad networks from injecting ads into users Twitter streams. From the Twitter blog: As our primary concern is the long-term health and value of the network, we have and will continue to forgo near-term revenue opportunities in the service of carefullyContinue reading “Twitter Bans Third-Party Ads”

10 things to do in 2010

While we are still in the first few weeks of the new year I through it would be good to look at come of the things you should focus on during 2010 to. In no particular order here is my list of 10 things to do in 2010: Have an HR/Talent Management/Recruiting application blueprint TheContinue reading “10 things to do in 2010”

Is your HR Strategy ready for the intention economy?

I sit here typing this post during the first week of the second decade in the 21st century however some many organisation’s HR strategies are still stuck in the 20th century. Let me explain. Today most organisational HR strategy is based on a asynchronous model where the organisation does something and at a later time employeesContinue reading “Is your HR Strategy ready for the intention economy?”

What’s next with social recruiting

If you have been following this blog for a while you would know that I am always looking for the next thing. I have been doing the same thing with using social media in business. Social Recruiting has a lot of  buzz at the moment. How do I know there is a buzz, well 200+ peopleContinue reading “What’s next with social recruiting”

Twitter and LinkedIn

Earlier this week Twitter and LinkedIn announced a partnership whereby you can now share updates between both services. Given that according to Pew Internet & American Life Project a total of 19% of American online adults have posted a status update this change is significant. Firstly it will give all those professionals on LinkedIn whoContinue reading “Twitter and LinkedIn”

Twitter Lists for All

For the last couple of months Twitter has been testing out a new feature, Lists, and as of yesterday Lists were available to all users. So what is a list? Anyone can curate and publish lists, so if you have an idea for one, just click “New list” in the sidebar of your Twitter accountContinue reading “Twitter Lists for All”

Some unrelated thoughts

The famous Web 2.0 Summit wrapped up late last week with lots and lots of product announcements and more news stories than I could ever hope to digest. (Not helped by the fact that I have been sick for about 4 days now.) Anyway here are a few summary items: If teens are confused byContinue reading “Some unrelated thoughts”