Thoughts on the Peopleclick Authoria merger

On 5 January 2010 Authoria and Peopleclick combined to form the largest privately owned company in the Talent Management marketplace. The new company, Peopleclick Authoria, claims to serve almost 60% of the Fortune 100 organisations. The new CEO will be Charles S. Jones, Managing Partner of Bedford Funding, the private equity firm undertaking the deal.Continue reading “Thoughts on the Peopleclick Authoria merger”

Magicality of a Gartner Magic Quadrant

Ok magicality may not be a real word but who cares. Being in the magic quadrant for a vendor can make or break them in the sales process as so many people place so much emphasis on these results. As such Gartner released the 2009 eRecruitment Magic Quadrant last week with some interesting results. FirstlyContinue reading “Magicality of a Gartner Magic Quadrant”