What are your customer’s desired outcomes?

Any student of Customer Success should know the definition of Customer Success from Lincoln Murphy: Customer Success is when customers achieve their Desired Outcomes through their interactions with your company. Nice and simple. Lincoln and others have explored this concept in lots of detail, and the Desired Outcome boils down to two different parts: RequiredContinue reading “What are your customer’s desired outcomes?”

Unpaid Internships: Fast Track to your Dream Job or Glorified Slave Labor?

This guest post is contributed by Katheryn Rivas. So after getting being accepted to your Dream University–after painstakingly editing college applications, obsessing over grades, finding extra-curricular activities that sparked your interest AND would somehow impress a college admissions committee–you thought it was all over, right? Once accepted, you’d think the next logical step is toContinue reading “Unpaid Internships: Fast Track to your Dream Job or Glorified Slave Labor?”

Using Video within your HR Processes

Yesterday afternoon I sat in to listen Bill Boorman‘s Downunder Recruiting show where the discussion was on video, an interesting topic. I am very interested in video within a talent acquisition strategy as this has been a topic for many many years and I am glad to see people are starting to move away from theContinue reading “Using Video within your HR Processes”

Workforce development in public and private sector

A couple of weeks ago Kate Carruthers spoke to me about workforce development programs, the results are an article she published on the NSW TAFE eZine web site, under the heading of “Workforce development: Case studies in private and public sector implementation“. Workforce development is a key issue for both private and public sector businesses. Continue reading “Workforce development in public and private sector”

The business value of social networks

Tuesday night I was on a panel for the NSW Knowledge Management Forum with three others, Laurie Lock Lee, Tania Maley & Jodie Miners who was roped in as Tania was running late. I have to admit I was a bit hesitant before the event given Laurie has just completed a PhD in the valueContinue reading “The business value of social networks”

Using Facebook to Learn

Just a quick post as my laptop battery is about to die:-). Last week I noticed an interesting post over at The Inquisitr “Udutu Launches LMS Application For Facebook“, very interesting an actual revenue generating application for Facebook! Their press release can be read here. While the Facebook application is still in Beta it isContinue reading “Using Facebook to Learn”

Talent Management Marketplace changes

Last week we saw the announcement that Taleo will acquire Vurv, essentially number 1 taking number 2 in the Talent Management marketplace. This is both good and bad news for the other players in the market. Bad because the combined entity will certainly be a major player, good in that both companies will have toContinue reading “Talent Management Marketplace changes”

Corporations in virtual worlds

There has been a fair amount written over the last couple years of corporation running public presentations and employee communication sessions in virtual world such as SecondLife. Some of the largest users have been IBM, Sun Microsystems and Cisco, however most fo this work seems to have been public type presentations. A couple of weeksContinue reading “Corporations in virtual worlds”