The value of true understanding

Our 7th value of Kanban is understanding – which, as described by Mike Burrows is less obvious on the surface. As you peel back the layers while implementing Kanban, you will start to see that understanding is a core part at every step of the way. The concept of understanding Kanban starts with the implementationContinue reading “The value of true understanding”

54 Percent of Companies Have Bad Management

These types of articles really really get me going. 54% of Companies Ban … I’m sorry but I am not surprised that 77% of employees who had access to Facebook used it during the work day! Ok how many logged onto personal email accounts, made a personal phone call, used their personal mobile phone, hadContinue reading “54 Percent of Companies Have Bad Management”

Internet usage at work makes you productive

(Source: Flickr dietpoison)An Australian report released yesterday found that employees who “surf the Internet work” are 9% more productivity than those that don’t! The study was conducted by Dr Brent Coker from the Department of Management and Marketing. The study covered 300 workers and found that 70% engage in what has has termed “workplace InternetContinue reading “Internet usage at work makes you productive”