What is next…

I have been pondering the future. What is next? Do you know? If so please do tell. A number of years ago I pondered what was next from blogging and podcasting, neither of these forms have really survived in the way the were circa 2005/2006. Let alone what happened to MySpace, Friendster, Orkut… Let’s lookContinue reading “What is next…”

54 Percent of Companies Have Bad Management

These types of articles really really get me going. 54% of Companies Ban … I’m sorry but I am not surprised that 77% of employees who had access to Facebook used it during the work day! Ok how many logged onto personal email accounts, made a personal phone call, used their personal mobile phone, hadContinue reading “54 Percent of Companies Have Bad Management”

52 ideas on using social media within HR

It has taken me a while to get this lists published, I originally had the idea six months ago! Below are 50 51 52 ideas on how you can use social media within your HR and Recruitment strategy. Not all of the ideas are practical for all organisations, and I would never recommend you tryingContinue reading “52 ideas on using social media within HR”

Meet Brett Iredale from Job Adder

Following last weeks interview with Kevin Howard from Jobs in HR today we have another local recruitment expert Brett Iredale. Brett runs the successful automated job posting system JobAdder and as you will see from the interview an early adopter of technology. While the last few interviews have been focused on recruiting I am working toContinue reading “Meet Brett Iredale from Job Adder”

10 tips to build your network

It seems today you cannot go anywhere without hearing about social networks and their value to business. This is all very good but what happens if you don’t have a large professional network? Below are 10 easy to implement tips on how to build up your professional network. Join the social networks online The firstContinue reading “10 tips to build your network”