Is blogging over?

Two interesting things have happened in the last 3 days. I woke on Saturday morning to the news that Joel Cheesman, the Cheezhead site and from what I can tell brand had been purchased by Jobing. Part of this change is the blog will be no more. This news struck me as very strange, givenContinue reading “Is blogging over?”

Do you know the Australian Sources of Talent?

Over the last couple of months I have been working with Phillip Tusing from Destination Talent to look at the most successful channels for finding talent in Australia. Our initial thought was how hard could it be to pull a survey together and send it to a few people. We were a little mistaken, butContinue reading “Do you know the Australian Sources of Talent?”

Meet Brett Iredale from Job Adder

Following last weeks interview with Kevin Howard from Jobs in HR today we have another local recruitment expert Brett Iredale. Brett runs the successful automated job posting system JobAdder and as you will see from the interview an early adopter of technology. While the last few interviews have been focused on recruiting I am working toContinue reading “Meet Brett Iredale from Job Adder”

Meet Jobs in HR founder Kevin Howard

Last month I posted an interview with an internal recruiter from Oracle Australia, David Talamelli, and decided this will become a regular feature. I have always wanted to profile interviews on the blog however up until nowI did not feel Australia had enough of a local online market to generate interesting posts. That has changed.Continue reading “Meet Jobs in HR founder Kevin Howard”