RecruitTECH September 2009

On September 18 in Canberra I will be speaking at RecruitTECH with a host of other people. What is RecruitTECH? The RecruitTECH conference will provide delegates with an insight into the future of recruitment and how technology will increasingly impact upon the sourcing of employees in coming years. Themes to be covered during the conference include:  theContinue reading “RecruitTECH September 2009”

Is social media a SCAM for recruiting

Credit:Flickr cambodia4kidsorg Last week a US recruitment expert Peter Weddle called social media a SCAM for recruiting. He stated that it was a waste of time with no ROI, although he did not use the term ROI. Finally his prediction was that social media will not be the future of recruiting until 2014 while job boardsContinue reading “Is social media a SCAM for recruiting”

Twitter in the recruitment process

I am sorry but I have to call this out. The RCSA is the peak Australian association for the recruitment and on-hire sector (according to their web site) but I do wonder sometimes if they know what is going on. (Disclosure I am not a member and have only attended a few of their events so myContinue reading “Twitter in the recruitment process”