JobSeekr are you one?

Over the last few months one of the side projects I have been working on is JobSeekr.  The idea come about while working with Jeremy Samuel and Riges Younan on their products 2Vouch and JobGenie. While 2Vouch and JobGenie are focused on finding the best people for a role we recognised that there was not a good place forContinue reading “JobSeekr are you one?”

Social Recruiting and an experiment

Last week I was meeting with Riges Younan and Jeremy Samuel from 2Vouch to discuss Riges’s presentation for Australiasian Talent Conference in Auckland, topic being “The Evolution of Social Recruiting”. To develop the presentation Riges wanted feedback from the recruiting community on their thoughts, ideas and case studies. To quote Riges: I need your help to shape, contribute andContinue reading “Social Recruiting and an experiment”