PubCamp Melbourne

I have been able to clear my schedule and can now attend PubCamp Melbourne on 23rd June. What is PubCamp and why should you attend? Glad you asked, from their site:

  • Understand the most important trends and technologies for Web 2.0 and beyond – social and citizen media, the semantic web, widgets, the shift to online software, cloud computing, web devices, mobile and more.
  • Develop strategies for capitalizing on new digital media technologies and staying on top of their evolution.
  • Use Web 2.0 technologies inside your organization to improve how you operate.
  • Find out how other people are dealing with the challenges and learn from their mistakes and successes.
  • Take back practical tips and techniques you can use right now to help your business and career today.

Other than the general it’s about Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 the third bullet point really made the decision for me to attend as this is one area my new endeavour will be exploring. Not to forget it should be a chance to hang out with and meet some of the cool kids in the social media area in Australia.

PubCamp is divided into two sections a more formal conference style and then an unconference. Having never got to an unconference before I am not sure what to expect, but I figured I should try and lead a session.

I have titled the session I would like to lead:-

A discussion on how Enterprise 2.0 can drive an organisations revenue and stock price. A look at the relationship between Enterprise 2.0, employees and an improved bottom line.

My thought is to develop on the idea that enterprise 2.0 tools can help drive employee engagement and productivity which in turn drives better financial performance. While we all “know” better productivity drives better performance, the concept of engagement driving the bottom line is a little newer. Have a look at this paper from Wharton’s to get an idea where I am thinking.

I will post again as I flesh out my thoughts a little further, in the meantime comments would be great.

3 thoughts on “PubCamp Melbourne

  1. Awesome! Since I’ll be there too, speaking in the formal part and cat-herding a conversation in the unconference, we can finally have a beer together.

  2. It’ll be good to have you along, presenting at the unconference is a good way to start since you can take it anywhere- be it a more formal presentation-type layout or totally informal discussion format.

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