Crowdsourcing promotions?

I am a firm believer in the whole “Wisdom of Crowds” process so this article in The Age today made me think a bit. Austereo, Australia radio network, had teamed up with Jelli a US network to provide Australians with the first 24 hour a day crowdsourced radio show. Basically listeners go online to vote on what they will hear next, with the next song being determined only 2 seconds before the end of the current one.

This got me thinking.

Could an organisation crowdsource promotions, or placements?

Yes I know this might upset some of my readers but think about it most employees already know who should get the job so why not let them decide in an anonymous manner?

Innovative organisations could use other influencing factors based on shadow information.

4 thoughts on “Crowdsourcing promotions?

  1. Michael, I am not so sure about the wisdom of the crowds. Now I’m not a big thinker on this subject — but most crowds in America are fat, unruly, unwashed, and support guns.

    In fact, I don’t trust crowds. Not one bit. I just decided that right now.

  2. @Laurie – LOL. Luckily American recruiters / HR professionals don’t match this profile. Actually Australia has a profile similar to your description 😉 – except for the gun bit. Luckily crowdsourcing will work in New Zealand, as we are a near perfect bunch.

    @Michael – I’ve been thinking about crowdsourcing in a candidate assessment / selection context – got no idea how it could work though. Crowdsource the solution!!

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