CedarCrestone HR Systems Survey is on!

Now in its 11th year the CedarCrestone HR Systems survey is on again. Over the years the survey has highlighted early trends and provided consultants, vendors and buyers insight into what is happening in the marketplace. The survey results will be released at the HR Technology conference in October. Best of all, if it is like previous years the results are free to download.

So who should participate? Anyone who is in HR or IT and has knowledge on the current and future usage of HR technology within their organisation. They are targeting organisations with over 500 employees, so I guess I can’t fill in the survey for my new business ;-).

What does the survey cover?

The survey is broad in its coverage, including:
• Talent management and business intelligence applications
• Self service, portal, and Web 2.0 innovations
• Sourcing choices. Do you keep processes, technology, and people in-house or do you outsource?
• Current year expenditures and next year’s budgets
• Metrics such as employee/HR staff ratios, administrative costs per employee, and many others that will be invaluable benchmark metrics

Take the survey now until 16th July.