5 things about me

Des Paroz has tagged me, so it is time to join in on the latest meme going around.  Here are five things you might not know about me.

  1. Born in Sydney to English parents.
  2. Lived in Pupa New Guinea when I was a little tacker while my father worked on one of his archaeological digs.
  3. Don’t really like lollies (candy for our international readers), chocolates and deserts, unless it it Sticky Date Pudding, Lemon Morang Pie or dark chocolate at least 70% coco!
  4. I wear reading glasses and hope as time goes on this doesn’t turn into all-time wearing of glasses.
  5. I was a Queen’s Scout and built a 5 minute HyperCard multimedia presentation using a Mac SE30 as part of my final activities.

Now time to tag for five other bloggers Double Dubs, Jason Davis, Mark Evans, Richard Giles, Kim Cameron.

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