Quality of Hire some measures

Sam Greengard from Workforce.com interviewed (registration required) Kevin Wheeler of Global Learning Resources who provided several different measures around the quality of a hire. The high level listing is:-

  • Goal Completion
  • Capacity
  • Motivation
  • Knowledge and Skills
  • General Performance
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Experiential Contributions
  • Customer Compatibility
  • Work-Group Compatibility
  • Organizational Compatibility
  • Change/Learning Attitude

While I personally think the list is a good start the interview does not resolve one of the fundamental’s, getting to hard core numbers.

The measures are the things that would be assessed as part of a 90 day performance review (I hate “probation review”) and are mainly subjective by the reviewer. This limits the credibility of the results as they are open to interpretation. Which is a pity.

A formal 90 performance review process for all new starters would give you the ability to produce a metric like percentage of new hires performing at level X. While based on a subjective assessment it is still something but should not be the only metric provided around quality of hire.